Saturday, November 16, 2013

november 15, 2013

birthday celebration :  Atty. manning ravanera, you are getting better this year, your better half is making you the best of the half. We, your friends are wishing the best of health.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You Decide the Fate of this Rat...

I caught this very big black rat by this mouse trap.. This rat has been prowling around the house all day with immunity and specially at night rummaging the garbage and the unwashed dishes left at the sink..It has carved out a hole in the bath room and easily scamper inside and unto the ceiling where it makes scratching noises. After many frustrating attempts to trap it, finally, today it is behind bars... Now, to try this poll survey at right, please vote..find the best thing for me to do with this rat.

In the meantime, I will be feeding it so as not to let it go hungry.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


WAITING... really, this what I did, waiting for blogger to let me upload pictures.. It has been two weeks since I have this problem uploading, editing my header at my other site. I thought this has caused by my slow dial-up connection, but today I only have 24 kbps and yet I can upload whereas the other day I had 38 kbps, does this matter? anyone can answer me this so I will know better, I'm still trying to catch up with computers.. in fact, I am downloading now a trial on Photodex, hope this will help me.

Friday, March 28, 2008

problem with uploading pictures

There seems to be a problem with uploading picture in blogspot but not with wordpress. I thought this was because of my slow connection which is still dial-up but when I opened my new wordpress site, lifeliners, olavides.wordpress, I can load pictures easily.. so this past few days, I have been blogging at wordpress, my picture feature blog.